About Greenvishva: Our Green Journey

Our Story

At Greenvishva, our story is rooted in a passion for a better, greener world. Our journey began with a deep concern for the environment and a vision to be part of the solution. We’ve always believed in the power of innovation to drive sustainability.

Mission for a Pollution-Free Future

Our mission is simple yet profound: to make the world green and pollution-free. We’re committed to protecting the environment and creating a future where the environment doesn’t need protection. In a world with over 7 billion people and ever-advancing technology, environmental conservation is a responsibility we all share.

Innovating for Sustainability

From the start, we set out to redefine the perception of eco-friendly products. We understood that for widespread adoption, such products needed to be cost-effective and accessible to all. Our team dedicated years of research and development to make 100% compostable products that not only match quality standards but are also affordable.

A Global Vision

We aspire to enter the global market and make compostable products available everywhere. We’re aligned with the scientific consensus on phasing out plastics for a greener future. Our goal is to advance “Make in India” and showcase Indian innovation to the world.

Our Compostable Products

Our range of eco-friendly products is designed to serve a multitude of purposes, from personal use to corporate needs. These products, including cutlery, shopping bags, garbage bags, and more, are crafted from natural materials like corn starch and are fully biodegradable.

Why Choose Greenvishva?

Our compostable products offer several advantages, such as being made from renewable sources, degrading within 180 days without toxic residues, reducing the carbon footprint, and being safe for the environment. They align with sustainability targets and customer demands across various industries, including retail, healthcare, hospitality, agriculture, and more.

Our Commitment

  • Environmental Guardians: We’re dedicated to environmental conservation.
  • Innovation and Sustainability: We combine innovation with sustainability.
  • Global Reach: We aim to take Indian innovation worldwide.

Join us in our journey to create a plastic-free world. Choose Greenvishva and be part of the global movement to protect our planet.

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